
The Most Effective Ways to Reduce Absenteeism in the Workplace Absenteeism can be defined as the habitual pattern of staying away from an obligation or duty without a valid reason. In organisations, it not only creates problems for management but also affects the...

Access to Medical Reports Act of 1988

According to the Access to Medical Reports Act of 1988, every individual has the right to access any medical reports about them supplied by a medical practitioner; be it for employment or insurance purposes. But what if the employer wants to obtain the medical reports...

Associative Discrimination

Many employees aren’t aware of the difference between direct and associative discrimination and tend to fall prey to rogue employers. Employers must treat all employees equally and fairly. They shouldn’t in any way discriminate against employee...

Bribery in the Workplace

Bribery in the Workplace Bribery is a serious offence that can have detrimental effects not only on the perpetrators but the entire organisation. The effects of bribery can be very damaging and have contributed to the fall of major organisational giants. It’s...

Childcare / Time off for Dependants

Within most companies, childcare and time off for dependants is a hot topic which requires consideration. From day one of employment, all employees have the right to time off for dependants* to deal with unforeseen issues and emergencies. However, the length of time...

Conduct v Capability

Employers often have difficulty determining whether an employee’s poor performance should be managed as a conduct or capability issue. Put simply, capability is “can’t” and conduct is “won’t”. For this reason, it is generally advisable to have a separate disciplinary...