DLP Hands-On HR

Are you a HR manager or a smaller company that can’t justify the cost of HR provision but still needs to maintain legal & HR compliance? No matter the size of a company, all want to be kept safe, legal & protected.

We Keep You Safe, Legal & Protected

DLP Hands-On HR is our most comprehensive service where we can manage staff situations, which removes you from the conflict and ensures that you and company get’s it “legally right” every time. DLP Hands-On HR removes the stress and pressure of dealing with terminations and other processes.

Your Onsite HR Manager or Partner

Your Hands-on DLP Advisor manages HR meetings, hearings, interviews, consultations, strategy, telephone advice, letter writing, contracts of employment, bespoke policy documents and, if desired, can report to your board. Hands-On HR is available with insurance and DLP HR software solution (self-service). We customize to your unique company needs.

Why Businesses Choose DLP Hands-On HR?

DLP Hands-On HR professionals have the skills and experience to manage your HR and Employment Law needs – and they have the entire DLP Team to back them (and you) up! Finding an objective panel for investigations, hearings or appeals need never be an issue again.

  • Employees often respond more positively to an unbiased outside HR professional.
  • A HR specialist managing hearings results in fewer hearings, tribunals and delays.
  • HR issues are resolved quicker more efficiently and legally by a qualified and experienced advisor
  • Our expertise means we use law as a tool rather than a roadblock.

Contact the DLP Hands-On HR Team today for a complimentary one-on-one consultation.

Schedule A Free Confidential Helpline Consulation

Contact Info

Registered Office

Sefton Yodaiken & Co
Fairways House
George Street
M25 9WS

 0330 400 4454
