Mental Health in the Workplace

Companies Warned to Watch Out for Employee Mental Health Issues.

Workers’ Mental Health Issues Cost UK Businesses up to £51bn a Year.

Mental Health is an Issue that UK Companies Can’t Afford to Ignore

These are just three of the startling headlines from recent news articles.

Wednesday 10 October 2018 was World Mental Health Day.

On World Mental Health Day each year various campaigns focus on this serious issue to provide a better understanding and education around mental health.

“Mental ill health is now the primary cause of long-term sickness absence for over one in five (22%) of UK organisations.”1

Should a member of your team suffer from a mental health issue they may also face issues within the workplace.

These workplace issues ranges from coping with stress, change and workload, to even such things as basic as turning up on a morning.

But the questions DLP is asked most often are:

  • ‘What can we do?’
  • ‘How can we help the employee?’
  • ‘What should we say to the employee?’

While Mental Health Issues can be extremely complex our advice is simple. Arrange a meeting of concern with the staff member to informally discuss their struggles and talk through your concerns. We suggest making any reasonable adjustments and refer them to the employee counselling service—the details of which are available by contacting DLP.

Should you have any questions feel free to reach out to our help line. DLP advisors are available to answer any questions you may have at 0330 400 4495.

1 – Business Cornwall, 10 October 2018

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